Wednesday, 31 July 2013

A holiday for Famous Five Wannabes: Norway in the summer

Hello chaps and chapesses!

Earlier this month Graeme and I went on holiday to Norway for a week.  It was gorgeous, Norway is such a beautiful place, and the weather was fantastic – it was warm and sunny practically every day we were there!  Getting home was a bit of a nightmare, but overall we had a lovely holiday.

It reminded me a little bit of Enid Blyton's Famous Five books, which I used to love when I was a kid, because Norway's the perfect place to go exploring in the forest, swimming in the lake, fishing for crabs, and generally adventuring - we did all of these things while we were there.  So if, like me, you read the Famous Five books and wished you could have adventures like them, look no further - you need to go to Norway in the summer.

If you’re thinking it seems like an unusual choice for a summer holiday, we chose there because Graeme’s brother lives there with his family, so we stayed with them.  Staying with family meant we had an even more relaxing holiday, as it was really informal and laid-back.






All in all it was a lovely, relaxing week away from home.  The highlights were:

  • getting a lot of holiday reading done (look out for some more posts coming soon on what I read)
  • visiting Lindesnes, the southernmost (and quite possibly the windiest) town in mainland Norway
  • trying grilled moose steak and deer sausages at a family barbecue
  • cycling back from the nearest town, Mandal, and being chased along the road by an excited dog
  • sitting at an old fortress in Kristiansand, watching the boats coming in and out of the harbour
  • getting an Actual Tan (this never happens to me, my skin repels the sun)
  • an outdoor live music concert – apparently these are a free, weekly event during the summer

Have you been on any holidays recently?  What have been the highlights of your summer so far?

Monday, 29 July 2013

100 things that make this chapess happy - part 6

Hello chaps and chapesses! 

Welcome to Happy Monday number 6!  If you're a bit bewildered by all this, find out what's going on here.

51. Making plans
When I say 'making plans', I mean I like having things to look forward to.  Whether it be a holiday, a day out, general future stuff, or a yummy tea.


52. Period dramas
 The olde-worlde-ness (definitely a real word...) of a period drama, with the costumes and the language, is pure escapism on a rainy afternoon.


53. Walks in the country
We're lucky to live in a gorgeous part of the world, with endless places to explore.  Getting out in the countryside helps you to appreciate the little things, like fresh air, beautiful landscapes, and witnessing a sheep sneeze.


54. Gigs
Live music is so much fun.  My favourite live band is probably Maximo Park.


55. Singing along to the radio in my car
I'm pretty sure it wouldn't make anybody else very happy if they heard me, but it certainly makes me happy.


56. Rainbows

Seeing a rainbow genuinely makes my day.


57. Massages
Aaaaaannnnnd relax.  If I was a rich lady of leisure, I'd have a massage every week.  At least.


58.Stand-up comedy shows
I've seen quite a few stand-up comedians - lucky me!  Most recently, I've seen Bill Bailey, Jason Manford and Reginald D. Hunter.  They were all very different, but very, very entertaining.


59. Sun lollies
These bad boys remind me of childhood summers :)

60. Blogging 
I'm still pretty new to this blogging malarkey, but it sure does make me happy.  I hope reading my ramblings makes you happy too!


Have a great week, and tune in next week for part 7!

Monday, 22 July 2013

100 things that make this chapess happy - part 5

Hello chaps and chapesses!

So I'm halfway through this list of 100 things that make me happy, and I have to say I'm enjoying it!  It's really helped me to focus on all the good things I've got going on - I'm literally counting my blessings.  If you're wondering what's going on, you can find out more here.


41. Staying in hotels
For me, there's something quite decadent about staying in a hotel, and it feels quite glamorous. Maybe I've just led quite a sheltered life.....


42. Christmas films
I love Christmas films, like Elf, It's A Wonderful Life, and Arthur Christmas.  When I was about seven, I had a little hissy fit because my mum wouldn't let me watch Santa Clause The Movie during the summer holidays.  Twenty-odd years later, I still think I was right.


43. Pretty scarves
I have loads of scarves (too many, probably) - it's such an easy way to dress up your outfit.


44. Autumn
Falling leaves, rosy cheeks, chunky jumpers and the promise of Christmas.  What's not to love?

45. Gerard Butler
Look at his face.  LOOK AT IT.  Enough said.


46. Making lists
I live my life by lists - shopping lists, to-do lists, wish lists, the list goes on (see what I did there...)


47. Fireworks
I just love bonfire night, I have since I was little.  Fireworks are just so pretty and sparkly and colourful - they appeal to the big kid in me.


48. Giving blood
Just to be clear, I don't particularly enjoy having needles in my arm, but giving blood is one of those things that gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling, because I feel like I've done something good for humankind.  Plus you get free tea and biscuits.  Win-win.


49. Having a lie-in
I'm not much of a morning person, and I do like to have an extra hour's snooze at the weekend.


50. Pretty shoes
Good shoes can make even the most rubbish of days that little bit brighter.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

How to survive a long flight delay

Hello chaps and chapesses!

Graeme and I recently spent a lovely sunny week in Norway (new post soon!).  It was a great holiday, but the trip home was a bit of a nightmare.  We were supposed to fly from Kristiansand to Amsterdam, hang around for 3 hours, then get another flight from Amsterdam to Manchester, but our first flight was delayed by 8 hours.  This meant spending all day in Kristiansand airport, missing our connection from Amsterdam and spending the night in a (rather posh and impressive) hotel, paid for by the airline, and getting a flight home the following day.

It was a long and trying journey, but the free night in the posh hotel, complete with steak dinner at 11pm, was a perk. 

It wasn't too bad once we actually got on the plane and started travelling - the hardest part was hanging around in the airport for 10 hours.  Kristiansand is a tiny airport, with very little in the way of entertainment, so it was a pretty boring 10 hours.  It occurred to me that long delays in boring airports are by no means rare (unfortunately), so I've come up with some tips to help you beat the boredom if (let's face it, when) it happens to you.

Read.  If, like me, you're in the Kindle Kamp, this is a chance for you to test how long your battery will last.  I was pleasantly surprised with mine - I got a good 40 minutes out of mine after the 'Your battery is critically low' (read: 'charge me now or bad things will happen to you') message.  If you're of the more traditional persuasion, your book / magazine / newspaper / comic will last you ages.

People watch.  Watching people come and go is fascinating, and airports are the best places to do it. For added fun, you could add a David Attenborough style commentary in your head.  "Behold, the backpacking gap year traveller prowls his habitat, hunting his prey.  He approaches the organic fair trade coffee bar, and lo, his hunt is successful.  His soya milk chai latte will sustain him for a few hours, so he can continue to 'find himself' in the airport."  Just remember not to do this out loud. 

Invent monologues.  Look around.  Look at all the people around you.  Imagine what they're thinking and saying to each other.  It's even better if you give them funny voices.  If you need some inspiration or you're wondering what I'm talking about, this will give you some idea. 

Make a friend.  The chances are you'll be stuck in one place for some time, so why not take it as an opportunity to get to know someone new.  Strike up a conversation with the person next to you - ask them where they're headed, how was their trip, which are their favourite airports - anything.  Just be friendly.  You'll brighten their day and your own, and you might make a friend for life.

What are your flight delay stories?  How do you like to kill the boredom?  Let me know in the comments!

100 things that make this chapess happy - part 3

Hello chaps and chapesses
Welcome to Happy Monday number 3!  I hope you're enjoying these as much as I am!
If you're wondering what I'm going on about, you can find out more here.

21. Old photos
I love old family photographs, and I can spend ages looking through them. They don't even have to be my family....
22. Jane Eyre
I read this for the first time when I was 16 (which was 10 years ago - blimey, I feel so old!) and I've always loved it.  I love the romance, the mystery, the dark side to it, and there are still certain scenes I go back to read every now and then.
23. Pic n mix
I've got quite a sweet tooth, and nothing satisfies it quite like pic n mix.  This will never get old!
24. Rollercoasters
I'm a big kid when it comes to theme parks - I love the way your tummy drops on the big rides.
25. Chester
It's the city where I went to University, it's my adopted home town, it's gorgeous, and I love it.  If you've never been, go.
26. Eggs benedict
The king of breakfast foods.
27. Pinterest
This is a bit of a guilty pleasure, I can easily while away hours on Pinterest.
28. New make-up
Getting new make-up is such a treat.
29. Lazy days
You know those days where you wake up and spend a few hours reading in bed, then potter about in your pjs for a bit, then maybe watch another film in the afternoon? Those.
30. Knitting
It's a bit of an old lady habit, but it's really therapeutic.
So what makes you chaps and chapesses happy?  Let me know in the comments, and tune in next week for Happy Monday number 4!

100 things that make this chapess happy - part 2

Hello chaps and chapesses

This is the second Happy Monday, the second part of my 100 things that make me happy post.  You can see the first post here. 

11. Going on holiday
Let's be honest, who doesn't love to go on holiday?  Exploring a new place has to be one of the best ways to relax.

12. Learning
I'm quite a curious person (some might say nosy...) and I love to learn. 

13. Gin and tonic
My tipple of choice on a girls' night out.
14.  Colourful food
I do love a big salad with lots of different coloured veggies.  Yum yum!

15. Girly time
I've got lots of groups of friends dotted around the country - from school, uni, previous jobs and so on - and it's always great to catch up with them for a chinwag.

16. Saving
I've never been brilliant with money, but I do try to save - and seeing my savings creep up little by little does make me happy.
17. Baby animals

18. Shopping
I like a little bimble around the shops, it's a nice bit of me-time.

19. Meditating
I've recently done the Headspace Take 10 programme, and although I don't meditate every single day, I always feel better for it when I do.

20. Rain
Believe it or not, I like rain (good job really, living in Wales....)  Specifically, there's nothing quite as lovely as the sound of heavy rain, as heard from a cosy bed.

Tune in next week for Happy Monday no.3!

Stay happy :)

Monday, 15 July 2013

100 things that make this chapess happy - part 4

Hello chaps and chapesses!
I hope you're enjoying the long-awaited summer weather, and not overheating too much.
Here's my fourth Happy Monday.  If you're not sure what Happy Mondays are (I don't mean the band, by the way), find out more here.
31. The coast
I've got happy memories of childhood days out at the beach, and being near the sea still makes me feel all calm and smiley.  Especially if there's a bucket and spade involved.
32. The theatre
Graeme is a big fan of the theatre, and since we've been together I've grown to love it too.  I always liked going, but it was a very rare treat, whereas now we try to go every few months.  Seeing the action played out live on stage makes me feel like a part of the action, like watching a film but more involved.
33. Languages
I speak three languages, and I'd love to get up to five one day.  There's something really satisfying and enjoyable about learning a language, from the initial bits of vocabulary, to putting together a sentence, to having an Actual Conversation.  I love it!

34. Bubbly baths
I'm more of a shower person really, but when I have a bath I do it properly, with fancy bubble bath.  Sometimes it's the only way to recover after a hard day.
35. Having a tan
I'm naturally quite fair (some might say pasty....) and having a tan makes me feel like I look a bit healthier.  I don't tan well in the sun, so my golden glow tends to be of the fake variety.  If only it wasn't such a faff to maintain.
36.  Cheesy dance tunes
I'm talking Calvin Harris, David Guetta, and cheesy dance remixes of 80s and 90s songs.
37. Silliness
Life's too short not to be a bit silly from time to time.
38. Trees
A bit of a strange one, but trees make me feel calm.  Something about them being so old and strong, maybe.
39. Spring cleaning
This includes tidying up, clearing out, and generally getting everything spick and span.  Big Clean Ups aren't really frequent occurrences, but they're flipping great.
40. Pampering at home
Bubble bath, scented candle, face pack, music and a magazine.  Aaaaaannnnd relax.....
I hope you're enjoying these Happy Mondays - I know I am!  Look out for number 5 next week.