Tuesday, 18 June 2013

26 things

We’ve all made new year’s resolutions in January.  It makes sense – January is the beginning of a shiny new year , a new start, and it gives you a clean slate where you can set goals for yourself and go after them enthusiastically.   

I don’t know about you, but I get a similar sort of feeling around my birthday.  It’s the start of the next year of my life, and it feels like a good time to take a step back, evaluate things, and think about what I want to get out of the brand new year that’s just beginning.

So, I’ve come up with a list of 26 things to do while I’m 26.  I’ve seen a few of these sorts of lists around the web, and thought that my birthday would be a good time to come up with a list of my own.  These are not meant to be rules or restrictions, and they’re not intended to put extra pressure on me, they’re just some real things I’d like to achieve, that I think would make my life that little bit more joyous and sparkly.

  1. Plan a date night every month (with my lovely boyfriend Graeme, just to be clear!) 
  2. Find a good perfume. 
  3. Read 3 non-fiction books. 
  4.  Complete a half-marathon. 
  5.  Take a cake decorating class. 
  6.  Buy one or two new items of clothing every month (instead of leaving it until everything is worn out and needs replacing) 
  7. Knit a patchwork blanket. 
  8.  Tone up my arms. 
  9. Read a book every month. 
  10. Buy (and read!) a newspaper every weekend. 
  11. Try a new recipe every month. 
  12. Go to a pantomime. 
  13. Try seafood. 
  14. Meditate. 
  15. Enter a writing competition. 
  16. Try some new make-up looks (I’m so lazy with make-up….) 
  17. Plan a holiday somewhere new. 
  18. Go on a picnic.
  19. Acquire a nice fancy copy of Jane Eyre.   
  20. Find a hairstyle that works. 
  21. Take photos, and get some of them printed. 
  22. Go to a theme park. 
  23. Do a pub quiz. 
  24. Visit a museum. 
  25. De-clutter my cupboards and sell the stuff I don’t need any more on eBay. 
  26. Document this list. 
I’ll be keeping you up to date on how I get on with these over the coming year – watch this space!

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