Sunday, 4 August 2013

Free tea and biscuits

Hello chaps and chapesses!

I gave blood for the eleventh time on Friday.  That's eleven pints of blood over the last three and a half years.  I'm not bragging, but giving blood always makes me feel like a Proper Good Human Being.  I want to share the love, because it's a good feeling, and everyone should try it.

Before I gave blood for the first time, I was a bit nervous about what to expect, like most people are.  If you're thinking about taking the plunge, you can find out what exactly happens when you give blood here.

Image source

Giving blood was something I'd thought about doing for a long time before I actually got around to doing it the first time, and now I almost see it as a kind of treat.  Here are some of the reasons why:

You get to have some you-time.  You basically spend 10 minutes or so having a lie down.  They've always got the radio on, to help you relax, and to pass the time.  Lots of people take reading material with them.  

You get looked after.  In my experience, the staff are always lovely.  They're friendly, chatty, and will take good care of you.

You get free tea and biscuits.  They have squash as well, in case you're not of the hot beverage persuasion, and there's usually a good choice of biscuit.  I normally go for a custard cream.

You get to relax for the rest of the day.  You're specifically advised not to do anything strenuous for the next 24 hours, so use it as a chance to put your feet up and get everyone else to wait on you.  

You get to be smug.  You've done something good for humanity - you deserve to feel bloomin' great about yourself.

Have you ever given blood?  Is it something you've thought about but not got around to yet?  Go for it!

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