Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Recipe: Simple avocado pasta sauce

Hello chaps and chapesses!

This is a recipe for a really quick and simple pasta sauce.  I originally found this recipe on Pinterest.  There are a few variations out there, but this is my Happy Chapess version.


Here's what you'll need:

an avocado
a dash of olive oil
a good splash of lemon juice
a smattering of salt
as much black pepper as you can shake a stick at
a blender
some pasta

I don't use precise measurements because this is one of those recipes you can tweak to suit your taste.

First of all, cook your pasta.


While your pasta's bubbling away, dice your avocado, and put all the ingredients into a bowl together.  Don't use too much oil, as you don't want your sauce to be greasy. You can always add more later if you think it needs it.


Use a blender to jhujjj (real word there) all the ingredients together.  If, like me, you use a hand blender, you may want to start off by gently pulsing so that you don't get bits of avocado flying around your kitchen.  Believe me, it gets everywhere.

Blend it until it's smooth.  This will take approximately 10 seconds.


Taste your sauce and add more lemon juice / salt / pepper.  Keep playing with it until you get the right balance to suit your own taste.


When you're happy with it, stir it through your cooked pasta.  I tend to add mushrooms, ham and sun dried tomatoes to mine.  Tomatoes work really well with avocado, and I will take every opportunity to add in a mushroom where I can.  The ham is kind of an afterthought, but it works.


The creamy texture of this makes it feel like proper comfort food, even though it only uses a few ingredients and only takes a couple of minutes to create.  Bon appetit!

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